St Albans: 01727 856 869 / Swindon: 07912 351 362


The Moveology Bulletin Blog

Believe us when we say that we don’t want to add anymore panic to the current hysteria associated with the Coronavirus, but we thought it our duty as healthcare providers to send this to you.

In our clinics we see a variety of patients from teenagers to the elderly, including patients with low immune system function due to health conditions or current medications and those with poor respiratory health. As such we ask all patients to show a duty of care to themselves and others and refrain from visiting our clinics should they:

Have visited a high risk area in the two weeks before visiting us.


Suffer any flu like symptoms, including fever, coughing and shortness of breath.

Should you fall into either category, we kindly ask you to get in touch to reschedule your appointment through email via our website or by phone.

To put your minds at ease, here are a few things we are enforcing in our clinics to minimise risk and reinforce our proactive efforts given current concerns;

A thorough sanitising of the couch, surfaces, card machine and door handle occurs at every clinic between each patient.

It goes without saying that all practitioners are washing their hands in between appointments as usual.

Should you have any concerns and for up to date information please visit:

We hope this has helped to assure you that we are doing all we can to try and reduce the risks

caused by the Coronavirus.

Stay Healthy, Keep washing your Hands and let’s hope this will all pass over sooner rather than later.

Many thanks

The team at Moveology.

St Albans Clinic – 01727 856869. Swindon Clinic – 07912 351362

Many thanks to Bodymechanix

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Through out the day, we are consistently training our bodies. We are training consciously and subconsciously.

When we take part in exercise, we are training consciously and of our own free will. Most of us have undertaken exercise for some event, exam, task or just like working out. The goal is to allow our bodies to adapt positively.

We as humans are magnificent in adapting to our surroundings and in training adapting to stimulus. When we are subjected to a  stimulus, such as exercise, we do this consciously so that you body create a response. But what about the subconscious adaptation to training?

Subconscious training.

There are other day to day activities, which can also be considered as training such as driving, working, commuting. These can be considered training methods as we do them for long periods of time and have our bodies adapt to that surrounding.

If you sit at a desk for hours a day, you are subconsciously training your self to be in that situation. You are affectively training your body to adapt to the surrounding environment in a negative manner. This is generally not a problem for active people as they will go back to training their bodies and stimulate patterns that may of been lost while sitting at there computer.


Usually when you have an injury that seemed to have rectified itself you can usually bet that you have altered your mechanics to compensate for the pain you are feeling. In essence you have taught yourself  new patterns and have forsaken the entirety of free movement.

At Moveology look to rectify and reinstall these patterns while trying the pain in parallel. Please go to to find out more about missing movement patterns.


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Whats the difference?

Whats the difference between Osteopaths and Chiropractors? Is a question that we hear asked all the time. We understand why patients and the public ask that question, its a relevant question. We are osteopaths due to the principles and philosophies set out by previous osteopaths underpinning the teaching of the founder of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still.

But, lets face it, the body hasn’t evolved much in a few thousand years. So, all osteopaths, chiropractors and physios learn the same anatomy, physiology and medicine but with our own unique philosophy and treatment applications.

What the governing councils say:

General Osteopathic Council (GOsC)

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body, and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

To an osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well. So osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

General Chiropractic Council (GCC)

Chiropractic is a health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints and muscles), and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.  There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal adjustment and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation.

Chiropractors have a specialist interest in neck and back pain but when they assess their patient they take their entire physical, emotional and social wellbeing into account.

Final thought.

There are Osteopaths that treat like Chiropractors and Chiropractors that treat like Osteopaths. The philosophies and disciplines seem to have more in common than have differences. The treatment you receive will have bias, but this will usually come from the past experience of the practitioner rather than the discipline itself.

What ever your thoughts, you need to know that it is in everyones best interest to get you well. In our opinion, people should go out and find the physical therapist they feel happy and secure with. If you feel that way, then your chances of recovery are greater and your experience will be enhanced.


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Moveology application

When Moveology compile an exercise plan to restore missing movement patterns. We aim to reinstate missing movement patterns back into the body.

Our goal is to have the person moving better around their centre of gravity incorporating all types of muscle contractions, tissue tensions and joint movements.

Old movement patterns.

The typical therapist/trainer learn anatomy from textbooks of varying detail. The anatomy knowledge explains how muscles move joints, which is then applied to exercise. This is usually within a gym environment.

Unfortunately the exercise concept is then applied to human movement. Then using the term ‘functional’, which leads us to the misleading rational that we move our joints using concentric and eccentric muscle contractions alone.

This misconception leads to enhancing movement patterns you have and neglecting the patterns you do not have.

Better movement awareness

What about all the other tissues in the body that combine to enhance movement? The ‘spring’ like mechanism of ligaments, skin and fascia. In essence these tissues store energy like a spring and uses the energy to help joints act as pendulums.

This type of energy storage is found in the elastic properties of the tissue and is known as the ‘stretch shortening cycle’

It is imperative that we work with the stretch shortening cycle and to reinforce those missing movement patterns.


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What clients hears and says

Its all about you, thats why we always want our clients to be given the full picture and put everything into perspective. Its human nature to seek answers, hear an explanation that sounds right to you and then hang that issue on that explanation. It is important to Moveology that we clearly explain whats going on with you, and not scare you with horrendous anecdotal notions.

There are many ‘if so, therefore it is’ statements we hear. One that is common, “I have back pain because I have bad posture”. Firstly, what is ‘bad posture’? The question we put is that we can round up 1000 people with ‘bad posture’ that have no back pain, so, why is it that you have back pain, what is the reason that you have discomfort?

You, the individual

As human beings, we are magnificent and uniquely individual. The client has a history, unique dreams and desires and special experiences that add up to make you.  That is why at Moveology we want to understand who you are, what it is about you, how your life is and how you view life around you. When you come into the clinic it is all about you.

How you view pain

There is also the psychological aspect of pain and how it is manifesting in you. Lets say you have gone over on your ankle (for a little bit of terminology you have a grade 1 inversion sprain of the right ankle) so have ended up with a minor sprain with a little swelling. Now we all know that it is a minor injury and the tissues will heel in a round 6 weeks. This does not mean you’ll be in pain for 6 weeks.

Now, the pain will feel worse, if lets say you are entered into a half marathon that weekend, or you are a nurse who spends 96.7% (not accurate, but we know it’s a lot) of their time at work on their feet. Therefore there is a heightened anxiety now associated with your injury. Let us share that burden, get your head into the real world. There are plenty of races you can attend, and all the training has made you into a fit individual. There is also no weakness in you taking a couple of days off work to recuperate. Its easier to work efficiently when you are not in pain.

Its all about you, and we apply the science to your individual needs and hopefully quash any bro science that has come your way.

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We are please to be Supporting Movember Foundation this November.


We are offering a 30 minute sport massage for £35 – where £5 will go towards the Movember Foundation.

The Movember Foundation helps to spread awareness of men’s health issues around the world. They work closely with local charities. These charities help with projects that have a positive impact on Prostate cancer, Testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. We hope to help the charity by also spreading awareness and making donations where possible.

In support of the Movember charity, Moveology will be giving regular updates of our moustache growing attempts . Last year, our very own Doug made a fantastic attempt, but this Year Daryl is going to out do him.

Please support Movemeber charity and send us your moustache attempts to: [email protected]

Movember Foundation taking action

The Movember foundation are the only charity tackling men’s health on a global scale, year round.

Movember know what works for men, and how to find and fund the most innovative research to have both a global and local impact. The Movember Foundation are independent of government funding, so we can challenge the status quo and invest quicker in what works.

In 13 years Movemebr have funded more than 1,200 men’s health projects around the world.

By 2030 the Movember Foundation aim to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%

Help us stop men dying too young. Join the movement.

If you would like to make a donation, please visit


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Come and see us this weekend!

  1. – Tony will be at the Hertfordshire Triathlon at Stanborough Lakes in Herts this Sunday giving pre and post race massage plus K Taping if needed.
  2. Doug will be at Pedal Norfolk all this weekend.                                                                             We’ll be in the big camper van on the hill :).   Seriously it is ridiculously big!                             We aren’t there in any official capacity but if any of our clients are there to come and say hi and of course injury advice always available.

This year I’m only doing the 50 mile rides so I’m back in the afternoons to help if needed.

See you all there!


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This coming May bank holiday.

Check out the flags for pre and post race massage

We’ll be there providing pre and post race rubs and injury advice. We also run a massage while you support service for anyone supporting friends or loved ones who would like a 15min massage while they wait.

Just look for our flags to find us. For the sake of the athletes, we are never far from the finish line! 🙂

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